Thursday, December 6, 2012


I hate it whenever... I think about you
I hate it whenever our eyes met and for a moment we stop and just stare at each other words... no sound...there's nothing...
I even and you also even can't smile or act like there's nothing is wrong...

I hate it whenever your with that girl
so plain stupid I got really jelly and I just can't help it

I hate it ...for liking you so much... for letting me fall for you for a moment and just leave me sa ere...your so damn unfair I told you not to do that!...but that's life dba?... :)
I hate it whenever I am near and I act like a stupid not recognizing you all...
I hate it so much that you people knew and can read through me that I am so affected...

I hate myself for being so stupid- for always remembering and missing those times....
I am so martyr, and too kind at the same time bitter dba?..ako najud!

I am so helpless...
and this is soo hopeless...

I hate it that I got bitter because of what happened before...
I hate it that people who are close to my heart hurt me before... na nagresulta sa in.ani..
I know this is still my choice...
I totally hate it that we met when things and circumstances
between me and those people involved...were so "complicated" pa rin...

I'm shielding myself from falling.. from falling out again...
I just can't risk it...
I want words not actions...but one month have been passed...
there's no words ..clear words...nor actions...

I know that those times for you was just for fun...
Sabton taka kay I know what happened before... 
I even stalked you for awhile so that maybe I can even understand what you are goin' through
I even had read your post after your breakup with her...

For those people who are involved....Tomorrow would be the last day....I promise...
I will definitely end and stop everything... 

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